Cover for the trade paperback Going Mutant: The Bat Boy Exposed! Client: Weekly World News/Simon & Schuster

Interior spreads and photo illustrations for Going Mutant. Client: Weekly World News/Simon & Schuster

Cookbook cover and interior spreads. Client: Flavour Cooking School

Cover, including interior flaps, and spreads for a kid's book of science experiments that can be done at home. Client: ReaderLink

A collection of covers I've illustrated for the publisher Gibbs-Smith. Client: Gibbs-Smith

Cover and interior spreads from a book I designed and illustrated to celebrate the first birthday of a client's son.

A selection of covers I designed and illustrated for the publisher ReaderLink. Client: ReaderLink

Several covers I designed for Fare Magazine, including my original illustrations and a photo I art directed. Client: CSP

Interior spreads from Fare Magazine. Client: CSP

Cover and interior spreads from Fare Magazine for a special issue about branding. Client: CSP

Interior spreads from Touch & Go: The Complete Hardcore Punk Zine '79 - '83, created to mimic the paste-up style of the original Client: Bazillion Points