Poster design for Banned Books Week. Client: The American Library Association

Cover and interior spreads from the Banned and Challenged Books Field Report. Client: The American Library Association

Bookmark, button, and social media designs for Banned Books Week. Client: The American Library Association

Poster design for Banned Books Week the following year. Client: The American Library Association

Cover and interior spreads from the Banned and Challenged Books Field Report. Client: The American Library Association

Badges, bookmark, and social media designs for Banned Books Week. Client: The American Library Association

Poster design for Banned Books Week. Client: The American Library Association

Cover and interior spreads from the Banned and Challenged Books Field Report. Client: The American Library Association

Tote bag, badge, social media headers, and bookmark designs for Banned Books Week. Client: The American Library Association

Logo, and some evergreen alternatives for the ALA's Choose Privacy Week promotion, which encourages best practices to protect your privacy online. Client: The American Library Association

Bookmark, button, and social media designs for Choose Privacy Week. Client: The American Library Association