Selected posters promoting events at the Oak Park Public Library. Client: Oak Park Public Library

Some posters promoting events at the Arlington Heights Memorial Library. Client: Arlington Heights Memorial Library

Poster, brochure, and worksheets for a winter reading promotion. Client: Oak Park Public Library

Logo, graphics, and branded events posters for Genre X, a reading group for 30-somethings. Client: Oak Park Public Library

Children's Department posters to promote reading. Client: Oak Park Public Library

Poster and worksheets for a summer reading promotion. Client: Schaumburg Township District Library

Graphics, workbook cover, and interior spreads for a summer reading promotion. Client: Schaumburg Township District Library

Poster, brochure, and marketing materials promoting a membership drive. Client: Oak Park Public Library

Poster, brochure, bingo card, and supporting graphics for a winter reading promotion. Client: Oak Park Public Library